An Interview was held with Dr. Sara Sepasi, a psychologist and psychotherapist on maternal depression.

Dr. Sara Sepasi at the beginning of her speech listed the symptoms of depressions as sadness, despair, irritability, lack of energy during the day, restlessness and impatience or vice versa mental and motor slowness as well as decreased logical thinking power, poor memory, sleep disorders and changes in appetite and added: Sometimes dangerous thoughts about death are also added to these symptoms. She went on to say about the cause of the prevalence of depression that "If any of the three dimensions of human health, which includes the biological, psychological or social problems, is disrupted then the person will suffer from depression."

She considered the role of genetics in the incidence of depression to be 50% and added: Given that 80% of people experience depression at least once in their lifetime this illness is also referred to as a mental cold and people should seek professional help as soon as possible and without any embarrassment in order to suffer less damage.

Dr Sepasi continued on to point out that postpartum depression is known to be one of the most common types of depression and said: The cause of postpartum depression is due to the biological and hormonal problems that can be resolved with the provision of psychological support for example, the emotional support of the spouse, reducing environmental pressures and helping to correct the mother's sleep pattern. She went on to mention the three phases of transition from anxiety in the family and said: The birth of the first child, when the first child enters the community and finally the separation of the child from the family Or Empty Nest Syndrome are the three phases that put a lot of stress on the family, especially the mother and thus the prevalence of depression is more likely during these times.

In the end, Dr. Sepasi emphasized that: Mothers should value themselves more and try to further empower themselves. She advised mothers to be a little selfish and avoid burnout and depression without remorse.